I need help with …. everything

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    Posted in: Game Addict  
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    April 21, 2018 at 10:26 am #111426


    First sorry for having like close to 0 knowledge but i need help with the following. Its so basic things and once i learn them i will be good.

    My website : http://www.savantsgaming.com

    1. How do i edit the sidebar, first of all this Next Clan Matches ? I want to add my own content there, like images and text.
    Can you please advice me like for a noob how to do it step by step? I get lost very quickly for the moment with this theme.

    2. Where can i find the option to edit the text from the header under the pages bar ?
    This text :

    Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil
    impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus.

    3. Why Latest Posts widget from sidebar doesnt show my last post about “Next Project : La2Dream” that is a post? How do i add what i want there? How i get to this option?

    4. About font of my website, how can i change it exactly? Can you write me the steps exactly so i know how to reach to this option?

    5. How can i add in my sidebar my discord channel like this website has ?

    Home portfolio

    Cant thank you enough !

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