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    Posted in: Arcane  
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    December 7, 2018 at 7:35 am #116734

    An alternative to the pay to join system, all the major platforms that do what Arcane is designed for example battlefy, toornament, playyon is set up on a commission basis. Rather than buying a premium feature you pay an up front registration fee that the site admin applies a commission rate to and when they click pay now they are taken to a check out and after they fill out the registration form. Once that payment is made the site admin gets his fee for hosting the website, and the event organizer is sent the remainder. The site admin should be able to make money this way because hosting a website like this is both a lot of work and money. Other than this I think the website is amazing you guys did a really nice concept! It’s just I haven’t found a way to implement this form of paid tournaments with the way the theme is currently set up and imo it shouldn’t be that hard to code and if site admins can make decent money from the theme commission feature much like on fundingpress you guys will justify the time put into coding the feature with the amount of sales you get from the theme sales!

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