Tournament Page Issue

  • Resolved
    Posted in: Arcane  
  • Member
    September 22, 2018 at 4:33 am #114780

    1: I created a tournament with Ladder as the tournament bracket. I seen the ladder bracket and it wasnt what I was looking for, I then switched from Ladder to Knockout and somewhere in that line of switching. It just says tournament bracket. I did an official one with participants joining and thats where it broked. I then began doing test versions and now non of them want to show up even the ladder one. I had 4 participants and it did show the teams, but after switching it just stop working. Here is the site of the test, you can see in the bottom theres a tournament bracket but it didn’t generate it.
    I have already deleted the tournament plugin and re-add but it doesn’t fix.

    2: I noticed that on the demo when you select the game for the tournament it generates the background banner for the game. If you notice, its not there. The only time it shows up if I go to edit mode and go into the backend and switch to another game and back it shows its there, but once I publish it, its gone.

    Also a feedback I want to say:

    Once you publish it, you shouldnt be able to edit it still once publish, you should be able to click on that “Move tournament back to draft” to edit.

    Heres the link of the test site:

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