
  • In Progress
    Posted in: Arcane  
  • Member
    February 25, 2020 at 5:41 am #124866

    Few things, When a user buys a premium tournament product it says premium pending, is this something I need to approve? Also if a tournament is set to repeat will the product repeat with the tournament each time or will buying into the tournament once allow them access to that tournament forever until the tournament id changes? Is there any news in regards to the ranking system, and more tournament features such as double elimination, custom seeding, and match auto accept scores after x amount of time passes? I am about to do a lot of custom work to the theme and it would be nice to have these features added into it before work begins. Also would be nice to be able to 1, sort tournaments by platform in SW tournament carousel, 2 paid ranked wager matches (each team buys into the match and winner gets the money and we can take a platform fee out) and also perhaps the option to ditch the SW Tournament carousel all together and make it more like a blog post filter. Reason I say this is because it can be frustrating for users to scroll through a bunch of tournaments to find one they like, and if you run lots of tournament carousels it bogs down your site. For example I have 2 carousels running for each game, one for teams and one for singles. It’s just not a very efficient way to do things.

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