discord users be aware! + idea for prevent

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    Posted in: Arcane  
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    August 4, 2018 at 9:36 pm #113681

    People, if you have your own discord channel hooked up into your website, then there is a good chance that your channel ended up on discord.me

    wait whut? yes. Today, i banned 2 people and reported the issue to the discord staff about people randomly joining and leaving. Me and several partners of the community had the same issue. They join the channel, fetches your userID and that from your fellow members and then leaves afterward.

    userID? what about it?

    The userID is placed into a database that people can use to see in what channels you are active in. The same as for discord.me ( the website is not partnered with discord at all! ) this is needed for mass join and leave sessions that cause discord to crash. i most likely call this childhood DDOS as its lame and stupid.

    Email from discord staff

    Thanks for reporting this – we’ve gotten a number of reports about this issue and are looking into the situation. We’ve also taken action on the specific behavior here, but to maintain the privacy of our users, we can’t generally disclose the specific actions.

    In terms of preventative measures, it appears that the actions that are taken are limited to servers that are listed on Discord.me, a site that is unaffiliated with Discord. As part of its sign up flow, that site has owners of servers enable a server widget, which is designed for users to be able to see a list of active users on a server (https://blog.discordapp.com/add-the-discord-widget-to-your-site-d45ffcd718c6). This widget provides public access to a list of users in a server that has the widget enabled (and is disabled by default).

    If you are a server owner and/or administrator, I would recommend working with discord.me staff to limit the disclosure of information. Otherwise, I’d recommend passing this information onto your server owner and/or administrator.

    The idea to prevent this is simple. Add a password on your discord… well, that’s not an option cuz there is no such option.

    My idea is to hide the integrated discord plugin for visitors as well for the buttons on the header and footer so only when a user is logged in, they see the channels as well for the buttons.

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