Biggest show stoppers

  • In Progress
    Posted in: Arcane  
  • Member
    December 16, 2018 at 11:20 am #116955

    I have been a veteran user of SWT and have fair understanding of blackfyre and arcane.

    I am sure developers are working on varied bug fixes and trying to improve varied functionalities. Apart from the recent security issue with password reset I wanted to bring the developers focus towards a few things that have been haunting the communities from using arcane in a actual production environment.

    1. The Check-In and brackets-live system
    Since a tournament brackets generate at the time of tournament start, players / teams / organizers don’t get enough time to plan. This alone is the biggest reason for a tournament failure. If we introduce a check-in system that would allow the administrator to set a check-in time, bracketsclive time and a tournament start time. Check-in time basically allows all participants to give their final go ahead of participation. May be set the check-in time 48 Or 24 hours prior to brackets generation. Only participants that check-in are considered to be included in the brackets generation. Once the brackets are generated aa message can go notifying participants about the schedule along with a possible custom message. This allows everyone to be well informed of the schedule.

    2. Possibility of team ranking or manual modification in brackets by admin

    Either based on the team rank the brackets should be generated keeping better ranking teams away from each other so that in the final moments of the tournament it doesn’t end up in a low level competition. Imagine a pro team defeating a mediocre team with 16 – 0 score.


    An admin set the team initial rank manually or move teams in a bracket manually to have a better competitive brackets in place.

    3. The Match score
    In the tournament configuration, admin to be able to set whether the scores are to be updated by teams themselves or forced admin action.

    In case of admin action, the match scores should be entered by admin and upon that next level of match schedule should be set by admin before making the match live. Auto generated matches currently create all the next stage matches at once with same match schedule time. This again doesn’t give time to either the organizers or participants to plan.

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