Minor questions for Contact Us page and Blog

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    January 29, 2014 at 3:45 pm #30722
    For the Contact Us page, how can I edit the Text Header on the top of the page? The part where it says: “Howdy There – Why not leave a message or give us a call?” It’s not very appropriate for my site and I’d like to edit it! 

    Also whenever I go to my Blog, the title on top of the page section is automatically the name of my latest post, rather than my actual Blog title. Is that normal? And if it is, is there any easy way to change that? It’s not that bad but I’d much rather it displayed a custom title and not my latest post. 🙂

    And then the last thing (which I believe someone else has already brought up), it seems like since one of the recent updates my new posts automatically put the sidebar on the left side by default. Not a big issue since it can be changed to the right with 2 clicks, but it’s mildly annoying. If you guys know why this was caused, could it perhaps be fixed in a future update? I believe right sidebar is by far much more common, so it’s nice to have that as default

    Thanks for all the help, and for the continued support of your themes, means a lot to know that you guys constantly release updates! 

    PS: If anyone just happens to know off-hand, what is a good stat tracking plugin? Completely off-topic I know, but if anyone here uses one I’d love to know! Thanks 🙂

    PSS: Completely off-topic once again. I’d like to segment my BBPress forum, to look more like a full-fledged forum (phpBB, vBulletin, etc), where there’s separation between the forum categories. Just thought I’d ask in case someone had done it. If anyone knows how you can go about that, please let me know! Thanks!

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