Tab block – how to get rid of borders?

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    Posted in: Oblivion  
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    February 10, 2014 at 6:38 am #30790


    I’ve been having difficulty getting the menu to filter content correctly (posts marked as News were still showing under “Review” when filtering using the menu, for example).

    As a solution, I started looking at the tabbed news block, which is a potential solution, only to come across this:

    See that silver border? I don’t want that.

    My question then is:

    a) How can I get rid of that border? I couldn’t find any options anywhere.

    b) How can I use the header menu to allow users to filter content? I.E, they could click “reviews” to see all reviews, click “reviews – console” to see all console reviews, or click “reviews – console – ps3” to only see PS3 reviews (and the same for other categories, like News, Reviews, etc)

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