Gallery Images Hiding Below Footer

  • Sticky
    Posted in: Oblivion  
  • Member
    February 27, 2014 at 3:42 pm #30908


    I hope this hasnt been covered elsewhere, if so I dont think im using the correct search terms to find it, if you can direct me to the answer elsewhere in the forums pls do!
    anywho, I am experiencing an issue with the gallery and the pop up image that follows at this website:

    I have a gallery at the bottom of the page near the footer. For some reason when an image is selected and the larger version pops up, the buttons and even the image wind up behind the footer bar at the bottom, this is dependant on where the user scrolls on the page, i find if I scroll up on the page I can get back to the buttons to move on to the next picture and close it. It just looks a little tacky on my end, and I dont want to confuse people who are opening the images. This was not something I noticed at first but came to my knowledge via my boss. He was browsing it and then got stuck and couldnt figure out how to close the image to get back to the main part of the site. It took me a bit to realize it was hiding behind the footer. 

    Is there anyway to correct this? We love you long time!!! <3
    Thanks! ^_^

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