Rename the forum page?

  • In Progress
    Posted in: Oblivion  
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    January 9, 2015 at 9:20 am #55094

    This should be easy but I’ve looked everywhere and somewhere, something with the theme or bbpress is changing the forum page title to “Mauris risus augue fermentum sit amet congue sit amet” instead of just saying forums (The title is in the area where the breadcrumbs are). I see it in the HTML it spits out but don’t know what is putting it there, it says:

    var forumtitle = jQuery(‘.bbpress .title_wrapper h1’);
    var newforumtitle = “Mauris risus augue fermentum sit amet congue sit amet”;

    Let me know what you think I should do so I can have a normal title 🙂


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