Hi, I would like to use a different method of payment, is the a way that I can use payfast.co.za rather than using paypal, this is for currency issues and the amount of payment options payfast has.
Thank You
here is the api code for payfast
* Notes:
* - All lines with the suffix "// DEBUG" are for debugging purposes and
* can safely be removed from live code.
* - Remember to set PAYFAST_SERVER to LIVE for production/live site
// General defines
define( 'PAYFAST_SERVER', 'TEST' );
// Whether to use "sandbox" test server or live server
define( 'USER_AGENT', 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0)' );
// User Agent for cURL// Messages
// Error
define( 'PF_ERR_AMOUNT_MISMATCH', 'Amount mismatch' );
define( 'PF_ERR_BAD_SOURCE_IP', 'Bad source IP address' );
define( 'PF_ERR_CONNECT_FAILED', 'Failed to connect to PayFast' );
define( 'PF_ERR_BAD_ACCESS', 'Bad access of page' );
define( 'PF_ERR_INVALID_SIGNATURE', 'Security signature mismatch' );
define( 'PF_ERR_CURL_ERROR', 'An error occurred executing cURL' );
define( 'PF_ERR_INVALID_DATA', 'The data received is invalid' );
define( 'PF_ERR_UKNOWN', 'Unkown error occurred' );// General
define( 'PF_MSG_OK', 'Payment was successful' );
define( 'PF_MSG_FAILED', 'Payment has failed' );// Notify PayFast that information has been received
header( 'HTTP/1.0 200 OK' );
flush();// Variable initialization
$pfError = false;
$pfErrMsg = '';
$filename = 'notify.txt'; // DEBUG
$output = ''; // DEBUG
$pfParamString = '';
$pfHost = ( PAYFAST_SERVER == 'LIVE' ) ?
'www.payfast.co.za' : 'sandbox.payfast.co.za';//// Dump the submitted variables and calculate security signature
if( !$pfError )
$output = "Posted Variables:\n\n"; // DEBUG// Strip any slashes in data
foreach( $_POST as $key => $val )
$pfData[$key] = stripslashes( $val );// Dump the submitted variables and calculate security signature
foreach( $pfData as $key => $val )
if( $key != 'signature' )
$pfParamString .= $key .'='. urlencode( $val ) .'&';
}// Remove the last '&' from the parameter string
$pfParamString = substr( $pfParamString, 0, -1 );
$pfTempParamString = $pfParamString;// If a passphrase has been set in the PayFast Settings, then it needs to be included in the signature string.
$passPhrase = 'XXXXX'; //You need to get this from a constant or stored in you website
if( !empty( $passPhrase ) )
$pfTempParamString .= '&passphrase='.urlencode( $passPhrase );
$signature = md5( $pfTempParamString );$result = ( $_POST['signature'] == $signature );
$output .= "Security Signature:\n\n"; // DEBUG
$output .= "- posted = ". $_POST['signature'] ."\n"; // DEBUG
$output .= "- calculated = ". $signature ."\n"; // DEBUG
$output .= "- result = ". ( $result ? 'SUCCESS' : 'FAILURE' ) ."\n"; // DEBUG
}//// Verify source IP
if( !$pfError )
$validHosts = array(
);$validIps = array();
foreach( $validHosts as $pfHostname )
$ips = gethostbynamel( $pfHostname );if( $ips !== false )
$validIps = array_merge( $validIps, $ips );
}// Remove duplicates
$validIps = array_unique( $validIps );if( !in_array( $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $validIps ) )
$pfError = true;
}//// Connect to server to validate data received
if( !$pfError )
// Use cURL (If it's available)
if( function_exists( 'curl_init' ) )
$output .= "\n\nUsing cURL\n\n"; // DEBUG// Create default cURL object
$ch = curl_init();// Base settings
$curlOpts = array(
// Base options
CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, // Return output as string rather than outputting it
CURLOPT_HEADER => false, // Don't include header in output
CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => false,// Standard settings
CURLOPT_URL => 'https://'. $pfHost . '/eng/query/validate',
curl_setopt_array( $ch, $curlOpts );// Execute CURL
$res = curl_exec( $ch );
curl_close( $ch );if( $res === false )
$pfError = true;
// Use fsockopen
$output .= "\n\nUsing fsockopen\n\n"; // DEBUG// Construct Header
$header = "POST /eng/query/validate HTTP/1.0\r\n";
$header .= "Host: ". $pfHost ."\r\n";
$header .= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n";
$header .= "Content-Length: " . strlen( $pfParamString ) . "\r\n\r\n";// Connect to server
$socket = fsockopen( 'ssl://'. $pfHost, 443, $errno, $errstr, 10 );// Send command to server
fputs( $socket, $header . $pfParamString );// Read the response from the server
$res = '';
$headerDone = false;while( !feof( $socket ) )
$line = fgets( $socket, 1024 );// Check if we are finished reading the header yet
if( strcmp( $line, "\r\n" ) == 0 )
// read the header
$headerDone = true;
// If header has been processed
else if( $headerDone )
// Read the main response
$res .= $line;
}//// Get data from server
if( !$pfError )
// Parse the returned data
$lines = explode( "\n", $res );$output .= "\n\nValidate response from server:\n\n"; // DEBUG
foreach( $lines as $line ) // DEBUG
$output .= $line ."\n"; // DEBUG
}//// Interpret the response from server
if( !$pfError )
// Get the response from PayFast (VALID or INVALID)
$result = trim( $lines[0] );$output .= "\nResult = ". $result; // DEBUG
// If the transaction was valid
if( strcmp( $result, 'VALID' ) == 0 )
// Process as required
// If the transaction was NOT valid
// Log for investigation
$pfError = true;
}// If an error occurred
if( $pfError )
$output .= "\n\nAn error occurred!";
$output .= "\nError = ". $pfErrMsg;
}//// Write output to file // DEBUG
file_put_contents( $filename, $output ); // DEBUG
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