Hello, I own a license of Arcane with Tournament plugin purchased. After certain time working with it and trying to do what I want, I just want to ask for a refund of the product. There are many reasons for this refund and first of all is the bad finished of the product in certain aspects, specially the “star” tournament maker.
When you manage for a lot of tournaments is really hard to manage it, when a tournament starts you cannot modify anything and you cannot manage anything of it via admin (specially with users or matches).
The brackets only works when the system create a match, if accidentally you delete this match, you cannot recover it, then you break completely the tournament. Things like that, but not only those, made me to think about the decision of the refund of this.I gave a lot of opportunities to your team, buying BlackFyre, changing it to CrystalSkull and now with Arcane, but is time to stop.
I want the refund of the product and the plugin.
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