Random Code Appearing

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    February 13, 2020 at 10:49 pm #124786

    Hello! I am getting a weird coding issue on my site on all catergoie and project pages. This also seems to be breaking the layout. I have gone through some other forms here but seems someone from support needs to log into try differen things.
    Could I get some help? The code I am getting is below.

    /******************** Isotope all project block***********************/ var blog = jQuery(“.isoprblckall”); if(blog.length !== 0){ if(jQuery.isFunction(jQuery.fn.imagesLoaded)){ //isotope var container = jQuery(‘.isoprblckall’); container.imagesLoaded( function(){ // initialize Isotope container.isotope({ // options… layoutMode : ‘fitRows’, resizable: false, // disable normal resizing // set columnWidth to a percentage of container width masonry: { columnWidth: container.width() / 3 } }); }); // start new block jQuery(‘.cat a’).click(function(){ var selector = jQuery(this).attr(‘href’); container.isotope({ filter: selector }); return false; }); // end new block // update columnWidth on window resize jQuery(window).smartresize(function(){ //console.log(container.width()); // set the widths on resize setWidthsAll(); container.isotope({ // update columnWidth to a percentage of container width masonry: { columnWidth: getUnitWidthAll() } }); }).resize(); } } /* Isotope utility GetUnitWidth ========================================================================== */ function getUnitWidthAll() { var container = jQuery(‘.isoprblckall’); var width; if (container.width() = 321 && container.width() = 481 && container.width() = 663 && container.width() = 769 && container.width() = 980 && container.width() = 1201 && container.width() = 1601 && container.width() = 1825) { // console.log(“1825”); width = Math.floor((container.width() – 135) / 3); } return width; } /* Isotope utility SetWidths ========================================================================== */ function setWidthsAll() { var container = jQuery(‘.isoprblckall’); var unitWidth = getUnitWidthAll() – 0; container.children(“:not(.width2)”).css({ width: unitWidth }); if (container.width() >= 321 && container.width() = 481) { //console.log(“480”); container.children(“.width6”).css({ width: unitWidth * 4 }); container.children(“.width4”).css({ width: unitWidth * 3 }); container.children(“.width2”).css({ width: unitWidth * 2 }); } else { container.children(“.width2”).css({ width: unitWidth }); } }

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