Hello there,
I'm getting following error while trying to install the theme on my server or more specifically while trying to load it. It's an IIS 8.5 server installation running on Windows Server 2012R2 with PHP 5.4.23/Fast-CGI and WordPress 3.8.1–de_DE. I guess that is some sort of IIS specific problem with the filepaths.
PHP Warning: is_readable(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(D:InetpubvhostsPAGENAMEhttpdocs/wp-content/plugins/D:/Inetpub/vhosts/PAGENAME/httpdocs/wp-content/themes/gameaddict/addons/clan-wars/langs/addict-de_DE.mo) is not within the allowed path(s): (D:/Inetpub/vhosts/PAGENAME;C:WindowsTemp;D:/Inetpub/vhosts/PAGENAMEtmp) in D:InetpubvhostsPAGENAMEhttpdocswp-includesl10n.php on line 457
Damn, that is really driving me nuts. I hope someone can help me with this.
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