Oblivion Bug List (v3.6) (March 27th, 2014)

  • In Progress
    Posted in: Oblivion  
  • Keymaster
    April 10, 2014 at 9:57 am #31138


    Please post all bugs that needs to be fixed for the next version.
    Each version, there will be a new topic for newer bugs. We will go through this thread and address the issues. Please make sure that it’s a theme bug. Disable all plugins and hard refresh your website before posting.
    When posting, please try your best to illustrate your problem either through screenshots (use http://imgur.com/) or posting your link. Please not that doing both of these is beneficial. What happens when you post your link is that we might read it at a later time, but you’re still trying different things, while screenshots can illustrate your problem at the moment it happened.
    If by any chance we have not gotten to your bug or it’s still not fixed, you are welcome to reposting the issue in the nest Bug List thread for v3.6
    Please understand that new versions have to rolled out eventually, so if significant fixes are made, we will roll out a new version, and push the ones we didn’t get to to another version.
    - BuddyPress and bbpress sidebar added
    - BuddyPress and bbpress fonts and styling issues
    - Blog style block - pagination removed
    - Blog number of pages removed from theme options. Default reading settings is active now
    - Buddypress groups listing, the activity meta element fix
    - Search result fix for posts and portfolio
    - Page builder all ulrs now work with or without protocol
    - Author page implemented
    - Page builder media button path fixed
    - Admin-tooltip.js removed from functions.php
    - Pinterest and steam added as social links
    - Added full page width for single posts page as option
    - Popular widget added option for popular posts by comments and by rating
    - Implemented checkboxes for categories in page builder
    - Various css fixes
    Thank you and please be patient.

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