Old scam coming back ( SEO scamlist )

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    September 10, 2018 at 7:56 am #114471

    Hello everyone. Today, I have found a new way that hackers are using to get money from you. The way is a bit strange, but you will get the point once fully read.

    These actions they do can only harm your server if they would screw it up. As they are flooding your website with fake visitors. After 2 days of being ”slightly” attacked as a DDOS to make a bit space on the cable to send fake traffic.. you get an email from a SEO company that’s randomly visited your website. Even if you are running your website just a week, they will say that they tracking it for several months. ( ofc, they are bots sending u emails )

    After replying on this ( DONT DO THIS if you get such email and throw it away asap. ) you automatically give them access to your WordPress and you will find these kind of codes back in your theme.


    how to fix if you have troubles of BH > https://www.wordfence.com/learn/removing-spam-links-wordpress/

    Listed fake ” seo agents ”


    sites don’t exist or are already been pulled offline as I reported them at their hosting.
    if you have more links, share them here in the comments so everyone is aware of these fakers.

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