As I want to upgrade in php 7.0, “PHP Compatibility Checker” plugin says about BlackFyre :
“Indirect access to variables, properties and methods will be evaluated strictly in left-to-right order since PHP 7.0. Use curly braces to remove ambiguity.” for lines 162 and 163 in file :
“Use of deprecated PHP4 style class constructor is not supported since PHP 7.” in line 66 for file :
/var/www/html/mydomain.net/wp-content/plugins/blackfyre_custom_post_types/radium-one-click-demo-install-master/importer/wordpress-importer.phpI do not want to break the website and even if I am told that the theme is compatible with PHP 7, it is well written on tutorials about “PHP Compatibility Checker” that errors must imperatively be corrected before upgrading to PHP 7.
What should I do ?
Best regards,
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