Problems with permissions

  • In Progress
    Posted in: Orizon  
  • Member
    November 8, 2014 at 5:30 pm #52465

    As soon as I try to activate the demo, WP forces me into a screen where I need to update the WP database. As soon as I do that, all I get when trying to login is “You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.”

    Then I have to delete the entire WP installation and start over.

    Also, the slider doesn’t work at all, and of course I don’t have a code for it. It just shows “[layerslider id=”1″]” on the page where the slider should be.

    I was watching this post and i tryed to fix that problem but i couldnt doit, can someone send some picks with the things that i need to rename please.

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