WooCommerce Only Displaying 2 Products per page on Fresh Install?

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    Posted in: Oblivion  
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    December 5, 2014 at 3:50 pm #53869

    Hey there, I decided to give this theme another shot after being locked out for months. I reinstalled without altering the WP tables prefix, which has worked out so far (no more lock outs!).

    My current issue is that I did a fresh install and when I setup my WooCommerce page, I am just setting the page to the WooCommerce template included in your theme. However, when I go to my Shop page, it only displays 2 products per page (and I installed the demo content) so I have 23 pages of products.

    How I can change this? I dug around the WooCommerce.php file and really didn’t see anything wrong with it. The page is located HERE.

    My only thought was that the page & shop permalinks are all kinda pointing to the “shop” page I created. So I am using post name for permalinks and my woo commerce permalink is using the shop base as well. Although changing them does nothing.

    Thanks for your help. And sorry if this has been answered before, I bug through about 10 pages before giving up and submitting this. If there is an answer, just point me to it!

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