Adding currencies

  • In Progress
    Posted in: Fundingpress  
  • Member
    December 27, 2014 at 5:49 am #54533

    1) Can please add my country currency: Uganda Shilling (UgSh). And Kenyan currency (KSh)

    3) Am trying to create as initial page for sign up/register page. But need to remove the register button from the top page of home. I want people to see the sign up page first with “How It Works” then after signing up they are able to logon and see their acct and submit a project from the homepage. Please help with step by step process in changing this

    4) Can I integrate mobile money payments or use a gateway place on the the site where users can donate using their mobile money. To know more about here is the link:

    Thank you for your help in this.

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