admin password leaked??? Hacker??? (Caution!!!)

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    Posted in: Fundingpress  
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    October 18, 2014 at 2:16 pm #51060

    Hi, Please be inform that, once we provide the admin password to you guys, we have found a change in our wesbite.

    The homepage webpage has been changed by somebody to

    We never change this homepage site in our menu bar,
    It this Bangladesh, Saakashvili is one of your admin staff? or it is the default of your updated theme?

    We’re doubt on how come they can login to our wordpress admin since we’re never leak the password to anybody except support team of fundingpress.

    we’re edit all content with updated chrome, antivirus protection, and hosting server without any problem at all.

    We’re here to notice everybody please check your own website whether it is still safety and as same as your original webpage or not.

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