Apply for Paypal API almost 2 months till now…

  • In Progress
    Posted in: Fundingpress  
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    November 3, 2014 at 4:48 pm #52140

    Anyone still waiting for the Paypal Live API?

    Paypal request alot of information but they will ask you one by one = 2 months to wait…

    Paypal need to access to your platform for monitor
    Paypal need your Company details and also is personal details
    Some of the country are not allow for reward base crowdfunding…

    Conclusion is, we submit the application on september 2014, but still have to wait for their reply…The last question they request is access to your web for monitoring…

    Since we have alot of friend begin to ban the paypal instead of other payments gateway such as Alipay is one of the powerful gateway under by alibaba group.

    Hopefully Alipay is another option in latest update.

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