BUGS: Logout, submit video, draft editing

  • In Progress
    Posted in: Fundingpress  
  • Member
    October 28, 2013 at 1:41 am #30364


    I’m testing the theme before launch and i have found some bugs and things that is slightly confusing. Hope you can help me 🙂
    1) When logging out from “Submit project page” it has the 404 error and from “My Account” it goes to my admin account???
    I have done some testing, and i think always redirecting to the frontpage when logging out would solve the problem.
    2) I can’t upload videos to campaigns, and ‘contributors´ also can’t edit text and featured image in front end?
    3) Editing projects from ‘My Account’ is only possible for projects in the published state? Shouldn’t it be possible to edit “drafts” instead of “published” projects (except for updates)? A ‘save draft´-button should save the draft editable in My account, and the ‘Submit for review’-button should add the project to the ‘pending review’ state?

    4) A request would be to add an “Are you sure you want to submit for review” massage, when clicking on the ‘Submit to Review’-button.
    5) Finanlly i think it is compulsory to have an ‘agree to guidelines’ chechbox before a project can be submitted.
    All the best

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