Change Project Amount Near End?

  • In Progress
    Posted in: Fundingpress  
  • Member
    March 19, 2014 at 7:47 am #31011

    Hey Raaaa;

    Haven’t spoken to you for a while.  Hope you’re doing alright.
    Question:  Is it OK for project owners to change the project amount
    once their project has been approved and is published?
    As it stands right now, the project owner can basically set up any amount
    they wish when creating their project and half way through the project or
    when the project nears the end, the project owner can simply edit the project
    and lower the requested amount to match the total amount pledged and thus
    collect money (good for us, coz we get paid as well).  
    But is that correct?
    Shouldn’t it be that once the project request amount has been set and
    the project is ‘live’, the amount can not be changed for the duration of
    the project?
    Let me know when you have a chance please.

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