Clan Wars Team 2 Image

  • In Progress
    Posted in: Game Addict  
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    November 17, 2014 at 1:16 pm #52976

    On the clan wars widget it shows current & upcoming wars etc.. you have the image showing for the home-team but then just the name for the opponent team shown in image 1

    I have been looking at the code etc… and managed to change the logo to match the logo for the opponent by changing the code below to say team2 apart from the $logo part that has to be logo 1 otherwise it will not work. shown in image 2

    Original Code line 139 (wp-clanwars-widget.php):

    $team1id = $match->team1;
                $logo1 = $wpdb->get_results('SELECT logo FROM <code>' . $table['teams'] . '</code> WHERE <code>id</code>= ' .$team1id. ' '  );

    Changed Code:

    $team2id = $match->team2;
                $logo1 = $wpdb->get_results('SELECT logo FROM <code>' . $table['teams'] . '</code> WHERE <code>id</code>= ' .$team2id. ' '  );

    but my problem is if i put all coding back to original and then replicate it for team2 and also add this code ” class=”clan1img”> for the opponent team it just shows a broken image shown below. the image2 option should work because in all files for clanwars image2 is represented as opponents image.

    i can get the blank image to show which is by the code below but just not the opponent image

    <?php if(!$image2){ $image2 = get_template_directory_uri().'/img/defaults/25x25.jpg'; } ?>

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