Clicking "create a team" locking issue

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    Posted in: Arcane  
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    April 6, 2018 at 1:59 pm #110856

    Hi there,

    If someone clicks on “create a team”, and then closes the page (i.e. they don’t complete or publish their team), they still get “joined” to this draft team and are unable join other teams (presuming that the option to “allow multiple teams” is turned off).

    Even if I go into “teamwars” and delete those draft teams, the user will still be “stuck” in a non-existent team, with no way to leave it. This prevents them from joining another team.

    Humor me with this scenario:

    1) Person visits the website and registers an account.
    2) They see a “create a team” and think “that looks cool” and they click on it.
    3) They decide that they don’t want to create a team (they were just looking after all)
    4) They are now unable to join any other team (there is no button to request to join).

    This is a bug in my eyes, is it not possible to only associate someone with a team AFTER they save their team? Not just by clicking “create a team”?

    Please advise.

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