Featured Images don’t load

  • In Progress
    Posted in: BlackFyre  
  • Member
    June 2, 2024 at 9:28 pm #138739

    I purchased this theme a couple of days ago and can’t figure out how to get the featured image to load. It shows the little symbol that means a picture is broken.

    If I switch to a different theme they will show, and when I switch back to Blackfyre they don’t load.

    I verified the folders/files are set to 755/644.
    I thought maybe the PHP version could be an issue so I uninstalled PHP 8 and installed PHP 7.4 but the issue persists.
    I verified all the dependent plugins are installed.

    I tried using all versions of the included homepage and it happens on all of them.

    Please let me know what else I should be checking.


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