Features, suggest, ideas

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    Posted in: Arcane  
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    January 27, 2017 at 8:12 pm #94377

    Hello, i would talk about few features or ameliorations i would to see on arcane themes, maybe some are possible and others not.

    1) Advanced tournament block :

    Can sort by played or upcoming tournaments
    Can sort by tournament format (knockout, league, ladder, round robin, all)
    Can sort by contestants (user, teams, all)
    Can sort by games

    This way i can have a tournament block on my page who can show only upcoming 1v1 tournaments in knockout, or a block who will only show the last league played.

    Same things for the matches list would be amazing.

    2) Registration dates/times and Check-in :

    Registration start xx/xx/xxxx at xx:xx end xx/xx/xxxx at xx:xx

    A check-in system is usefull, make it active 15min before the tournament start, if a team don’t check-in, they’ll be dropped from the tournament before to generate the bracket/league/ladder.

    3) Ladder :

    An other way to use a ladder is with a match finder, a button you’ll press to enter a “waiting queue”, when enough peoples are waiting for a game, generate it automaticly, with some informations into the match page so a game can be hosted.

    It can work for users or teams.

    A point system is also great for the ladder, instead of switch slot if you win a game, give for exemple +50 points for each win, -25 for a lose and a rank will be created based on the points.

    4) token system, paid tournaments and membership

    Maybe could you integrate a plugin who will allow the webmaster to set a price to enter a tournament, create a membership option.

    Maybe use a token system, credits or something similar.

    I think that would be amazing features to ameliorate your theme and our experience, waiting for your opinions.

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