First of all, i would like to know how to edit the color of the theme? Default is blue. I can’t seems to figure our where to change it to the green, yellow etc.
And also what color codes you used for the options in the theme itself.Second: Is there a way i can use my phpbb and import the users to my wordpress website, so it doesn’t change the username/psw of my users? And then also use the forum, instead of BBpress.
I was hoping for some wiki, of some kind or integration with mediawiki, planned or?
What should the background images be in size? pixelxpixel – for optiomal fixed position.
Also the menu on the top (page nav menu) is displaying liners. Try clicking your color option at http://skywarriorthemes.com/blackfyre/ and change the page from blue to red, and you will see it. Using chrome atm.
Stream plugin – i was hoping for this in the feature to easily integrate any streaming into the website. Possible future?
Working on implementing IRC based chat, do i need to custoum order a solution for this=?
Could i have the code used for your contact form page?
Hoping for a user-fix – Friendslist displaying (stuck on 13)
Integration with facebook events could also be quite nice, and be able to use facebook as a news-page, where posts are posted into news section and/or posted from the website to the social media pages.
Please use the search before making a post. Your question maybe be already answered!
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