Funding Press Theme not getting installed on any version

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    Posted in: Fundingpress  
  • Member
    November 18, 2014 at 5:47 pm #53086

    Hi There,

    I have bought the theme funding press from themeforest , and i have installed this theme on my wordpress, it showing me an error when activating this theme. Here is the generated output that i am getting

    init(); admin_url(‘admin-ajax.php’) )); } function ajax($post_id) { //update if( isset($_POST[‘loves_id’]) ) { $post_id = str_replace(‘heart-love-‘, ”, $_POST[‘loves_id’]); echo $this->love_post($post_id, ‘update’); } //get else { $post_id = str_replace(‘heart-love-‘, ”, $_POST[‘loves_id’]); echo $this->love_post($post_id, ‘get’); } exit; } function love_post($post_id, $action = ‘get’) { if(!is_numeric($post_id)) return; switch($action) { case ‘get’: $love_count = get_post_meta($post_id, ‘_heart_love’, true); if( !$love_count ){ $love_count = 0; add_post_meta($post_id, ‘_heart_love’, $love_count, true); } return ”. $love_count .”; break; case ‘update’: $love_count = get_post_meta($post_id, ‘_heart_love’, true); if( isset($_COOKIE[‘heart_love_’. $post_id]) ) return $love_count; $love_count++; update_post_meta($post_id, ‘_heart_love’, $love_count); setcookie(‘heart_love_’. $post_id, $post_id, time()*20, ‘/’); return ”. $love_count .”; break; } } function add_love() { global $post; $output = $this->love_post($post->ID); $class = ‘heart-love’; $title = __(‘Love this’, “hikari”); if( isset($_COOKIE[‘heart_love_’. $post->ID]) ){ $class = ‘heart-love loved’; $title = __(‘You already love this!’, “hikari”); } return ”. $output .”; }}global $heart_love;$heart_love = new heartLove();// get the ball rollin’function heart_love() { global $heart_love; echo $heart_love->add_love();}?>

    Can you please help me ? Thanks

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