Funding Progress Meter and Post Pay Thank You Page – Issue in Sandbox testing

  • In Progress
    Posted in: Fundingpress  
  • Member
    July 14, 2013 at 3:46 pm #30158

    Hi SkyWarrior Themes Support,

    Here’s my issue.  Getting PayPal to approve the API access has been extremely painful.  At any rate, I think I’m close to getting them to give me an APP ID.
    Per their request, I set up the Sandbox credentials so their team could test the site.
    When I run through the Sandbox (live on the site now) and make a payment using a test account, and get kicked back to the site, here are two issues:
    1) The project funding meter (showing the amount raised) does not adjust.  Is this because it’s the sandbox account?  Will it just start working once we switch to production?  If it’s supposed to work in the Sandbox environment, can you help me figure out what’s wrong?  You have my FTP and admin info already , raaaa.
    2) When PayPal redirects me back to the site, I get back to the project page, with a set of parameters added to the URL, something like ?thanks.  How do I control where the confirmed, paid user get’s redirected to?  I would like them to be directed to a specific thank you page.  Please let me know what is possible within the theme, or how I control that default redirection that is happening.

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