News Picture and Owl Carousel

  • Resolved
    Posted in: Arcane  
  • Member
    September 6, 2017 at 9:55 am #103571


    So I got 2 problems:

    §1 Im trying to remove the news/blog entry picture.
    It appears every time I try to add a news block from “visual composer” and I can’t seem to find and option to delete it, PICTURE:
    news picture

    Has this something to do with the owl carousel, the theme arcane, or is it just the visual composer doign this to the news block?

    §2 Owl carousel just wont work.
    I have deleted the two demo carousels from the import demo.
    I have set up a new carousel, added the shortcode but nothing will show.
    Could this be because I only have one news/blog entry?
    I would like to have this carousel just as it is shown on your demo arcane page, on top of all the content in the “main” page.
    Like this:

    Can you search this forum?
    Would be a 100% easier to find answers about the things I wonder about if I can search the support forum instead of flipping trough 10-15 pages before I find the right answer :)?


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