Oblivion Theme – Highlight link bug

  • In Progress
    Posted in: Oblivion  
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    February 20, 2014 at 3:22 pm #30863
    I am using the “Highlight” feature on my theme for a link at the bottom of the page. When I put the “URL” into 
    the link of the button, and I actually use the button, it puts the entire website URL of the page I was currently on, and the link I am putting. So it doubles up, I cannot prevent it from using the URL of the page I placed the Highlight on Someone needs to look at the code for the URL area of the Higlight Page builder. I can post more info if more is needed or you can view my non working sample here. 

    The fix, remove what ever code is there that is “cloning” the current pages URL make it like all the other Page Builder “Link” or “URL” where you can input any URL you want and it will go to that URL instead of Cloning the URL of the current page.  I hope this helps but when I input anything into the URL it puts the full url of the page then what I put into the form. 

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