Parallax settings ?

  • In Progress
    Posted in: Game Addict  
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    November 21, 2014 at 9:44 pm #53257

    Ive installed a parallax block in my pagebuilder .. and can’t seem to be able to control the height of the image to be displayed.

    You can view it here :

    I figured out that i can comment out line 2576 of main.css to partially achieve my goal but i’d like a more “permanent” solution that won’t be reset every time the template is updated.

    I tried incorporating the code into my child theme style.css file .. but it didn’t work.

    My questions are :

    1 – How can i add the code to my child theme style.css file ? So that the image area being displayed is higher.

    2- Is there a way to have the css automatically resize the image so that it fits entirely in the parallax block ? Currently it’s only taking part of the image.

    Thank you.

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