Profile pagination, possible?

  • Resolved
    Posted in: Game Addict  
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    January 18, 2015 at 12:34 pm #55486

    Dear Support,

    We are happy users of your system. Our project is slowly growing to a way that we did not anticipate.

    And this is the reason for this request/question…

    On the Portfolio page, I cannot see the option to paginate it.

    As the project grows, very soon we might have many teams on this page, and I am afraid that, if pagination is not possible, the page will be too long and will take a long time to load, when we have for example 50 teams of the same game.

    Here is our page as is:

    It is almost certain that this page is going to grow quickly, and we might have the long page issue.

    Does this option exist? If so, where is the config? If not, is it possible to add this on your next update?

    Thank you in anticipation

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