Safari and Funding Press

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    November 18, 2013 at 11:02 am #30443


    Hope all is grand. Loving the theme but have a couple of weird things happening and was wondering if anyone else was experiencing the same:

    1) In Safari browser, have a section called SPOTLIGHT which should display the “ending soonest” PROJECT.
    a) on a friends Browser its not displaying at all – anyone have any ideas why. On my Safari browser it does. On theirs’ it does not & is completely blank!
    b) on mine, the latest browser the “Ending Soonest” is not displaying even. It displays the latest posted or created

    2) How can you change the date format to be UK format.
    I downloaded version 2.0 onto my local computer (the site still has the previous version). Is there something that I should “tick” or code!

    thanks in advance

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