Setting up Child Theme (Arcane v2.1)

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    February 7, 2018 at 9:45 pm #108607

    I was hoping someone would be able to confirm the parent-style stylesheet, to which I am to enqueue when setting up my child theme.

    I just now realized that all along I’ve been mistakenly keeping the name “parent-style” (with reference to the WP Codex, you know, where I’m enqueuing the parent theme’s main stylesheet in my child theme’s functions.php file)… according to the Codex, I’m supposed to replace “parent-style” with the actual name of the Parent theme’s main or ‘primary’ stylesheet (.css file).

    And so, tl;dr here is: What is the name of the main Parent theme stylesheet?… is it main.css?

    Thanks for clarifying as I’ve been unable to figure it out. I did try using main.css but in doing so my site gets all kinds of wack such as showing two profile drop down menus, loss of the sub-menus when hovering over my main menu items, and other weird size and color abnormalities to both text and various containers etc.



    (Edit: I guess I would just be surprised if the ‘main parent stylesheet’ is simply the style.css file, as there isn’t really much in it… but who knows, maybe it actually is the main stylesheet simply based on where it sits in the file hierarchy, i.e., right there in the main Arcane theme folder. ANYways, in the Parent Arcane functions.php file I was unable to figure out which .css file was/is considered to be the ‘main’ one.)

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