Socializer – Duplicate login options on Modal

  • Resolved
    Posted in: Arcane  
  • Member
    December 27, 2018 at 7:58 am #117149

    Issue Summary:

    On login modal – Used on any page, the socializer login options are displayed twice. On registration page, it only displays once.


    Expected behavior:
    Login options only display once

    Additional Information:

    1. Just updated to 2.6.3 using the theme update function within WordPress(YAY! Was so awesome finally using this to update)
    2. Made the switch to Super Socializer from WP Social Login immediately after.
    3. Kept both plugins active during migration process to have access to the secrets from old plugin. No duplicates were displaying
    4. The duplicates appeared after disabling WP Social Login
    5. This bug previously existed on an older version of the theme with WP Social login and was resolved in a following theme update.

    Investigation Completed:
    I checked the theme files and I see only a single reference to function the_champ_login_button() which renders this section. I am not sure if there is a loop or conflict causing this. No errors in debug console. The HTML is being rendered in two very different parts. I can only assume the second render is the result of the function being called again somewhere else in the code(or cache)

    Login details to follow – If you do any re-installs of the theme – Please let me know so I can re-implement the admin bar hide filter in functions.php

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