Support Request & Bugs

  • In Progress
    Posted in: BlackFyre  
  • Member
    March 20, 2015 at 6:02 pm #57961

    I love this theme and am working through setting up my website how I would like it. I figure I’d start a page as I go along when I need some support and list some possible bugs I find.

    Support Requests:
    I’m looking to have a calendar added to the website. Might you recommend a good plugin for this? Also, when creating a “calendar” page, every time I try to go to the new link, it directs me back to my home page. If I call the page something else like “schedule” it works just fine.

    Possible Bugs:
    When moving the mouse across the menu bar at the top, there will be some lines between the buttons that turn on and off but not all the spaces do this. Are they suppose to stay on to separate the buttons? You can see it on the demo page:


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