Use Woocommerce Shortcode in Rewards

  • In Progress
    Posted in: Fundingpress  
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    August 17, 2014 at 5:11 pm #47284


    I love the theme so far. But I want to modify it a bit.
    In Holland not everyone is using PayPall and a different form of payment is more often used. iDeal. To accomodate that we installend WooCommerce.

    I used shortcode of that in a project and in worked fine. Now I want it to display in the column where the rewards are, but unfortunately the shortcode isn’t working if I add a new reward with that shortcode in it.

    Can I tweek the rewards somehow to make it work? Or is it possible to create another reward like (styled) list underneath the excisting rewards list? (Tried a custom widget area but didn’t get that to work. (Maybe I just dont know which files to put my code in…)

    Thanks for the help!


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