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    November 4, 2014 at 8:11 pm #52228

    I found this code at the bottom of the public_html/wp-content/themes/funding_press/funding/lib/WePay/wepay.php file is this suppose to be there? * Different problems will have different exception types so you can
    * catch and handle them differently.
    * WePayServerException indicates some sort of 500-level error code and
    * was unavoidable from your perspective. You may need to re-run the
    * call, or check whether it was received (use a “find” call with your
    * reference_id and make a decision based on the response)
    * WePayRequestException indicates a development error – invalid endpoint,
    * erroneous parameter, etc.
    * WePayPermissionException indicates your authorization token has expired,
    * was revoked, or is lacking in scope for the call you made

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