What/where are all the Match Challenges code/files?

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    October 28, 2017 at 3:10 pm #105705

    This is another attempt to hopefully find what I’m looking for, after failing the first time under another topic which I admit was kinda babbling and incoherent (entitled “Question to everyone about pulling Results ‘meta’”).

    In short, and given the ‘rules’ for support state that while doing the work would entail a custom paid-for service but nonetheless support does cover inquiries such as ‘where in the theme files are X’…. your help is much appreciated 🙂

    – Where/what are the totality of files in Arcane theme that code for everything having to deal with ‘TeamWars’? I’m specifically trying to walk through it all in order to learn/understand anything to do with ‘Match Challenges’

    My goal is to try to expand upon the existing theme functionality so as to do the following (few examples to make my point)
    a. Define seasons, eg, based on dates the matches were played
    b. For each match, define the team who Won and the team who Lost
    c. Tally up number of Wins/Losses for each team
    d. Define the number of matches played within a season for each team
    e. Expand upon ‘game’ and ‘map’ options to include things like ‘game mode’ (eg, the matches played in the game Call of Duty can consist of any of the game modes such as TDM, SnD, etc.)
    f. Be able to pull from the database said ‘meta’ so as to display some type of ‘league results scoreboard’

    ANY help would be awesome, beginning with aid in identifying the theme code pertaining to the Match Challenge stuff.


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