Your support please

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    Posted in: Arcane  
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    November 27, 2018 at 5:55 pm #116521

    Hi good day ,
    first of all I want to thank the support provided so far by you. It has been a great help .
    I also want to comment that the template is very good although it has 2 problems that my team and I are going crazy.

    1.- The team creation template is too complicated for a general user. it is difficult for them to create a team, they do not know where to edit, and it is very tedious that there is not a button as such that says “create team” instead of “publish”, besides that any user with the roll gamer, can eliminate the template “team creation” and assign fields to the page you want and it does not work at all. As an administrator I have to delete that team, and re-request that you create your team correctly. It is very complicated for them. Likewise when joining a team for “REQUEST TO JOIN” in the button that is in the team created, the request is doubled, and appears twice in the team members the same player. so the team captain has to delete it and re-send the application and accept the request. A headache this procedure

    2 .- It is completely necessary to generate a game mode 1 vs 1 SINGLE match. No 1 vs 1 team match. In the MLG there are 1 vs 1 individual matches, and here to be able to make a match 1 vs 1 individual first you have to create a team that has only 1 member so you can give me the match. so this game mode is completely necessary.

    3.- We are about to buy the premium add-ons for round robin, and ladder. We do not know for sure if these add-ons help us with this requirement. but otherwise. How can you help us make this happen? what would it cost and if later on they launch an update of the template, how would it affect us?

    Thank you in advance for all your support as always.

    I hope you can help us, since we are very comfortable with your template, but we believe that it can improve and soon we need those requirements. since integrating registration or payment per tournament, it is necessary to provide an excellent and friendly service for the end user.

    I hope you understand us.

    Thank you

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